About Us

We are the universe experiencing itself. I am you and you are I. We are the universe. We are nothing more than avatars of the universe exploring and discovering itself through its own consciousness. Think about the organs in your very physical body. Your body knows your organs are in there but your brain does not. Your consciousness believes your internals are where they should be despite having never seen them. The universe does not know much about itself. We don't know much about ourselves. So we have created life within ourselves to answer the ultimate questions of what we are. Being in ourselves we have created our own realities and personas to help us gain different perspectives on life. My individual persona despite not being an individual is that of a musician, artist, and web developer in the late 20s of life. It has been 27 years since I was placed into myself to discover this unique experience. We all go by every name but in this domain of which I have created I refer to myself as Tellasin.